Great Questions To Ask When Hiring a Marketing Team.
Published 03 June 2022
Marketing is a vitally important aspect of any business, and now more than ever, it can play a big role when it comes to brand awareness, attracting talent to your company, and working on current advertising and marketing strategies. So when hiring your marketing team, you want to ensure that you attract the right people, but also that you end up hiring the right people. The questions you ask can be the ideal opportunity to get a broader perspective on the person applying, and whether they would be a good fit. Here are some great questions to ask when hiring your marketing team.
What improvements would you make to the company website?
This will highlight whether the candidate has taken the time to do some research on the business and what your current digital offering is like. It gives them a chance to share some critical ideas and creative thinking, as well as perhaps insight into current brand awareness and positive changes that could be made.
What do you think sets our brand apart from competitors? What could we do differently?
With a question like this, you are simply looking for key points that they might raise. It is all about attention to detail. Great marketers are visionaries, so they should always have some sort of answer for this.
Have there been any marketing strategies that you feel have had success in attracting new talent to a business or that encapsulate brand awareness?
You want to see what ticks with the candidate. Where their creative thinking lies and what sort of scale that they place success on. It will also highlight their knowledge of marketing strategies and different options.
What would you say or do to convince your HR team that a recruitment marketing strategy is right for the business?
There is no “I” in team and marketing, albeit, can start with solo ideas and creative thinking, but it ends up being very much a team effort. You will want to look out for the ways this candidate will work with different departments in the business and how they may approach potential blocks.
How would you approach pitching a new marketing strategy for the business?
This will give you a chance for the candidate to show innovativeness in how they would approach a pitch. After all, not every marketing strategy is taken from idea to implementation. You will want to see how they would present themselves, what they would do, and what skills they have when it comes to pitching.
Can you explain a time when you have had success with a marketing strategy?
With this question, you will be looking out for key details. You will want to know what the marketing strategy was, the reason behind it, the key measures of success and the results they had. This will also give you a chance to have a direct example of the creative thinking and skills they have within the field.
Hopefully, this has provided you with some inspiration for some of the great questions to ask when hiring your marketing team.