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How To Resign Professionally.

Published 23 May 2022

When you feel it is time to resign from your job, you want to ensure that you maintain a professional image. Parting ways with your current employer on good terms is always going to be the best possible scenario. However, when it comes to the actual resignation bit, it can be quite daunting. This article will show you how to resign professionally to put your mind at ease. 

Before you resign

Before you actually take the plunge and resign there are a couple of crucial things you need to have. This would be your job offer letter and a start date. Resigning and giving notice often means that a leaving date gets set in stone, so you will want to make sure you have that information and a job to go to. Also be aware of your resignation period, as this may affect your start date with your new employer. In the event you are resigning without a job to go to, try and put some plans into place for financial stability so you can work out your next move. All of these things will give you confidence during a resignation meeting. 

Writing your resignation letter and giving adequate notice

Your line manager is usually the person you would discuss your resignation with first. They will require a letter of resignation. Your line manager may also need to forward this to your HR department. Within the letter always remain professional and positive. You will also want to highlight your notice period and your intended leave date within it. Check your contract to understand what minimum notice period you will need to give if you are unsure. 

Job Handover

Whilst you are working your notice, you might be required to train a new member of staff to take over your role, or prepare some handover documents to help with the transition period. Always remain professional and polite. Maintaining good relationships with previous employers will always be worthwhile in the future. 

What to do after you resign?

There are some things you might need to do straight away whereas others might be completed nearer the time of you leaving. Work up until your last day, you always want to part on good terms!

Participate in Exit Interview

Most jobs will require an exit interview as part of the leaving process. They are normally held by your line manager or a member of Human Resources. You’ll be asked a range of questions to see why you are leaving and there will be an opportunity to provide feedback. 

Keeping in touch

Try to keep in touch with as many of your colleagues as you can as they can become a great source of networking contacts that may prove valuable in your next role or venture. It is always good to maintain working relationships.